
Ragnarok Mobile: How to create a Guild.

While most players would join a Guild, some might choose to make their own Guild with their close friends. Here is how you could make a Guild. 

Firstly, you will need to go to NPC Valkyrie at Izlude Island (at the North side of the map). Then, you need to be level 25 (there is an error in the game stating level 20), have 200,000 Zeny, and 1 Emperium

Emperium could be bought at Exchange (cheaper) or via Event shop NPC at Prontera.

58,511 zeny (Exchange) vs 200,000 zeny (NPC)
*Though the price in Exchange could goes up or down from time to time. It will definitely be cheaper than the price of NPC. 

Alternatively, you could get Emperium from Pet Labor or from MVP
There is even a tiny chance to drop from "Shining Plant".

